Varnish forming tendency : Varnish is a byproduct of thermal degradation and oxidation of the lubricant . Needs regular monitoring .


A well balanced oil analysis program can monitor machine wear condition, oil contamination and oil degradation at the same time .  Key parameters are continuously tested and trending of those parameters is  monitored. Proper know-how of interpreting the results and trends from oil analysis reports like a change of rate of a trend is accelerated or if a parameter exceeds an alarm limit will allow initiation of the preventive/proactive action to be taken to control lube oil/machine condition deterioration .

At COMES we have implemented oil condition monitoring activity for several of our esteemed customers which have resulted in huge savings.


Demulsibility : The ability of the lube to release the water which gets entrained in the lube in-service .

Oxidation Stability : Oxidation stability exhibits the resistance of the lube to oxidize over a period of time . Keeping fluid clean and maintaining additive levels will help improve this resistance .


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Wear Debris analysis / Ferrography:  performed on a lubricant sample, provides the earliest detection of abnormal machine wear debris providing data on the area of wear debris generation and signaling    the impending failure of interacting machine parts .

Flash Point : It is the lowest temperature in an oil at which,a flame propagates through the vapor of a combustible material on the liquid surface.

Wear Particle analysis is basically a study of wear generating within a system due to normal wear and tear generating within a system. It is a study of the wear particle size, shape, morphology and concentration. 

There are six basics wear particle types generated through the wear process which includes metallic particles ----------- Normal Rubbing Wear , Cutting Wear , Spherical , Severe Sliding , Bearing Wear (Fatigue Spall Particles, Laminar Particles) and Gear Wear (Pitch Line Fatigue Particles, Scuffing or Scoring Particles). There do also exist sand and dirt particles responsible to generate wear particles in the system .The frequency / time duration for conducting the tests are to be properly defined .

Trending Additive package :Trending additive package which are vital for the functioning of lubricants like oxidation inhibitors , corrosion inhibitors , antiwear additive , friction modifiers , viscosity index improver additives etc . Depletion of the additives can disrupt proper lubrication .

Viscosity Index : Is a measure of change of viscosity with the change in temperature.


Improper sampled oil tested will give improper results i.e.  garbage in – garbage out kind of a scenario . Oil sample for the purpose of testing needs to be collected from active zones in a system , under vacuum to avoid contamination from external source and needs to be stored/transported properly for accurate test outputs .


  • Modern OCM testing facilities
  • In-depth Oil Analysis
  • Easy-to-use Sample Shipment          Program   
  • Ferrography & Tribology                  Expertise    
  • National Service Coverage
  • Independent and Impartial                Specialists 
  • Easy to read report
  • Additional Expert Consultancy
  • Qualified professionals
  • Full engineering interpretation         of lubricant test data 

Kinematic Viscosity : The resistance to flow. This parameter determines the film thickness maintained between two moving parts .

Oil and machineries used in huge quantum’s in industries and are high value assets . Oil used in hydraulic and lubrication systems are equivalent to blood in the human body . A sample of oil in service can express several data related to the health of oil as well as the machine in which it is contained and operates . A coal based power plant is a major user of variety of hydraulic/lubricant oil in applications with a varying degree of criticality . Here is a look at how oil condition monitoring can give any plant maintenance team the edge in their maintenance practice .

The oil condition monitoring tests can be classified as Genearal Physio-Chemical tests, Additive Package   and Wear debris analysis / Ferrography . Physio-Chemical tests mainlygives a clear understanding of the physical and chemical state of oil , Additive package tests give inputs on the remaining useful additive in the base oil and Wear debris analysis / Ferrography gives out data on the state of lubrication regime/ machine health mainly.

Physio-Chemical tests in general comprise of Viscosity , water in oil , acid number, base number, insolubles , particle count , oxidation stability / level ,demulsibility , air release tendency , characteristics etc .


Contamination/Particle Count : It comprises of both the external dirt added into a hydraulic system (through breathers etc.) and the internal generation of dirt from the system .

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Air release : Determines the ability of the lube to release air to avoid cavitation issues .

Moisture Content:  It is the quantity of moisture content in the oil both as emulsion and free state . Higher the moisture content lower will be the viscosity of the oil .

Total Acid Number (TAN) : It indicates the amount of weak and strong acids generated due to oxidation & other mechanisms that the fluid undergoes.